Package org.equanda.util.script

Interface Summary
DatabaseExtension.ExceptionListener ExceptionListener allows proper handling of database access errors
DatabaseExtension.JDBCLogger JDBCLogger allows proper handling of database access logging
DMExtension.ExceptionListener ExceptionListener allows proper handling of EquandaPersistenceError

Class Summary
BooleanExtension BooleanExtension, FScript extension, define "true" and "false"
DatabaseExtension DatabaseExtension, FScript extension for database access using SQL and JDBC This extension introduces the function "DBset(name[,db])" which creates a database object with name "name" which accesses database "db".
DateExtension StringExtension, FScript extension, string manipulations
DMExtension DMExtension, FScript extension to access a equanda genereated domain model DMObject(table[,om]) get home object DMSelector(table[,om]) get selector bean DMCreate(name[,om]) create a new instance of given class DMBoolean(value) get boolean value cfr given object (real boolean) DMTrue boolean true DMFalse boolean false DMDate(value) get a date value from a JJJMMDD string DMTimestamp(value) get timestamp value from a string (YYYYMMDDHHMM or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.SSS) DMValue(value[,dm]) JNDI lookup for a string in the given data model
FileExtension FileExtension, FScript extension, file i/o, stronly based on murlen.util.fscript.BasicIO, but using extension mechanism and without limit on the number of files.
FScriptExtensionPool Pool of extensions for Fscript, to allow reuse of objects among the Fscript instances.
GeneralExtension GeneralExtension, FScript extension, some thing not fitting elsewhere
StringExtension StringExtension, FScript extension, string manipulations

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