Package org.equanda.util

Interface Summary
Cache<KEY,VALUE> Simple cache, slightly based on Map, but only with the needed methods.

Class Summary
Base64 Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream A Base64#InputStream will read data from another InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream A Base64#OutputStream will write data to another OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
BoundCache<KEY,VALUE> Simple cache which is bound to have a maximum number of cached objects.
ByteBuffer ByteBuffer is similar to StringBuffer and manages an automatically expanding array of bytes.
ExceptionGroup A ThreadGroup which logs all unrecoverable excetions using SaveException in an "errors.txt" log file.
ExceptionUtil ExceptionUtil allows you to get more information about an exception, without having to investigate the causes.
FirebirdExceptionSorter ExceptionSorter for Firebird which indicates that the connecion should be discarded after a deadlock
ImageLoader ImageLoader can be used to load an image No caching of images is provided!
IniFile Class to manipulate .ini files.
Internationalize Internationalization support
MockObject Simple object for testing, allows white box verifications in testcases.
PrintfFormat PrintfFormat allows the formatting of an array of objects embedded within a string.
ReflectionUtil based on the ReflectionUtil class in m-m-m
SaveException Save exception details to a file

Usage : try { // insert your code here } catch (Exception e) {SaveException.saveException(e); }

StringSplitter This is a variant of the StringTokenizer classes as provided by the JDK.
StringUtil string utility methods - format : build formatted strings, using the format descriptors as used by sprintf, but without the % - isNum : determine if a string contains only digits - trimRight

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