Class EAN128Zebra

  extended by org.equanda.util.barcode.EAN128Builder
      extended by org.equanda.util.barcode.EAN128Zebra

public class EAN128Zebra
extends EAN128Builder

EAN128Builder for Zebra label printers

Joachim Van der Auwera

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.equanda.util.barcode.EAN128Builder
codeA, codeB, codeC, fnc1, shift, start
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  String preprocess(String data)
          preproces should handle any manipulations to the values which are put in the barcode to prevent any unintended special characters from appearing in the barcode.
Methods inherited from class org.equanda.util.barcode.EAN128Builder
build, buildLabel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EAN128Zebra()
Method Detail


protected String preprocess(String data)
Description copied from class: EAN128Builder
preproces should handle any manipulations to the values which are put in the barcode to prevent any unintended special characters from appearing in the barcode. This will typically mean doubling escape characters or converting some characters.

Specified by:
preprocess in class EAN128Builder
data - data to preproces
result after preprocessing

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