FScript functions for handling date and time

The dates which are handled using these functions are always in "yyyyMMdd" format.

  • datesys(): return the system date.
  • timesys() : return the system time, using "HHmmssSSS" format.
  • datecalc(date, offset) : given the start date and the number or days to add, it returns a new date.
  • dateday(date) : return the day of the week for the date given as parameter. Monday is returned as 1, and sunday as 7.
  • dateweek(date) : return the iso week numberfor the date given as parameter.
  • setdateday(date, day) : return the date with the day changed to the passed day (as integer)
  • setdatedaypast(date, day) : return the date with the day changed to the passed day (integer), forcing to be before the past dat. So, if the day is larger than the day in the passed date, then that day in the previous month is returned.
  • 1. FScript functions for handling date and time